搜索 Stefania

  • Claudio是罗马郊区一个建筑工地上的工人。他很爱自己的妻子,后者正怀着第三个孩子。一场意外的悲剧打破了他们简单幸福的生活。对生活感到愤怒的 Claudio将勇敢对抗自己所遭受的社会不公正。家庭与友人的支持及孩子们的爱将帮助他度过人生这一大劫。 Claudio works on a site in the suburbs of Roma. He is madly in love with his wife who is pregnant with their third child. However, a dramatic event comes to upset this simple and happy life. In a rage for life, Claudio energetically fights against the injustice that fell upon him. Love and support from his friends and family as well as the laughter of his children will help him to
  • A young woman falls in love with a famous novelist and travels with him to his home in Southern Italy. There, her obsession with the memory of his dead wife begins to consume her.
  • 故事发生在意大利那不勒斯市,围绕着那不勒斯特警队中的两名特工展开。佩普和弗朗西斯科二人是朋友,同时也是那不勒斯特警队“飞鹰小队”的特工。那不勒斯“飞鹰小队”是一个专门调查有组织犯罪的警察机构。两名警员平日在工作中的表现无懈可击,他们骑着摩托车,在城市的各个角落巡逻,渗透到最臭名昭著的街区,那些阴暗的角落里每天都发生着不为人知的犯罪事件。常年跟随督察马里诺,佩普和弗朗西斯科视马里诺如他们的父亲。他们将一切精力都放在了特警队的工作上,甚至把它当作使命,这使得两位特工总是处于精神紧张状态。然而在特警队以外,佩普和弗朗西斯科却在各自的生活中隐藏着极大的弱点。可疑的秘密、巨大的孤独,和压抑的激情在他们的生活中爆发......
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