搜索 达斯汀·阮

  • 1920s. Vietnam under colonial French ruling. Anti-French rebellions emerge all over the country to disrupt the foreign occupiers. In respond, the colonialist employed units of Vietnamese agents to track and destroy these rebels. The film follows the journey of LE VAN CUONG, a French cultured undercover elite. Although branded with a perfect track record, Cuong's inner conscience is troubled by the sea of Vietnamese blood he had spilled to uphold a French washed ideal. Following an assassination of a high ranking French, Cuong is assigned to seek and kill the notorious leader of the resistance. Cuong encounters VO THANH THUY, a relentless revolutionary fighter and the daughter of the rebel leader. Cuong's superior intends for him to use Thuy as a mean to get to her father but Cuong soon has feelings for her. Thuy's patriotism ignites conflicts between Cuong's consciousness and his cultured faith. Will Cuong discover his inner-self and find love or will he continue his mission? The journey unfolds...
  • 故事发生在地表之下一座沉没的城堡里,六位主人公在醒来后,惊奇的发现自己竟来到了这个完全陌生的地方,互不相识的他们身边都没有食物和水等必需品。在一番探究下,他们发现原来自己陷入了一个变态所设计的生死局里——只有一个人可以离开这座城堡,这也就意味着这六个人必须自相残杀。然而当其他人都纷纷死去,最后的唯一胜者却发现,原来还有更恐怖的事情在等待着自己……
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