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  • A free-spirited young woman (Deborah Foreman) upsets the status quo at a stuffy Brentwood limousine service.
  • Marine scientist Fred Miller designs the world's first underwater home, but when the business magnate funding his work threatens to end the project, Miller volunteers to live in it with his own family to prove it's practical. The underwater clan includes his water-phobic wife and his daughter and son, who are part of a rock and roll band. They bring along the lead singer and drummer. Along the way, they have to contend with a competing engineer who promises to mine the ocean floor for the businessman. A record producer likes their music and books them on TV, leading the kids to try to escape to the surface.
  • 在这样只有男孩子的家庭里,往往伴随着许多大大小小的“战役”。兄弟四人每天都需要坐着校车上学,有一天,西蒙因为辱骂了一个叫芬恩的男孩子,遭到了芬恩和他的朋友们的报复。西蒙被芬恩打倒在地。而马修身为西蒙的兄弟也加入战争。但很快的,校车司机马上制止了他们,他们的班主任老师也把芬恩带去了办公室谈话。芬恩自然不会善罢甘休,在接下来的日子里,芬恩开始对马修展开了各种报复行为,比如抢走马修弟弟的饼干,抢走马修做的鸡蛋。最终马修决定以彼之道还之彼身。然而直到这时,马修才得知,芬恩的家庭其实并不幸福。二人在互相了解之后,最终和解。
  • 哈利是个年轻的作家,最近他的状态非常差劲,被家人和老板烦扰得就快要崩溃掉了。为了在一个安静点的环境中写作,他搬去了一所公寓,没想到在那里竟然遇到一个穿着夏威夷衬衫、总爱胡说八道的大猩猩,后者正热切的期盼着跟别人分享自己关于生活与爱情的看法。
  • 库伯是一个小联盟球队中的投手,他的投手生涯正面临了瓶颈期。在命运的安排下,他多了一个不可思议的室友一个名叫艾德的新任三垒手,不过奇怪的是,这名三垒手竟然是一只精通投球技巧的黑猩猩!库伯完全没料到,他的生活与事业因此而全盘改变,艾德不但帮助他对棒球比赛大开眼界,并使他对心爱的人敞开心扉。