搜索 Er

  • 东京——『晓特区』。这个国家新成立的经济特区预定地,将行政权让渡给了大企业『先岛Holdings』。围绕着仅适用于特区内的减税等权利,敌对企业策划种种阴谋,并最终爆发了大型暴动·晓抗争。内政荒废,先岛Holdings也解体。晓特区成为了国家自治也无从实现的无人管理地域。有一群男人守护着化作无法地带的这座城市。拥有封印着凶暴神兽之力的刺青「神圣刺青」的人类,通称为『SCARD』。他们各自拥有固有的特殊能力,以及能够将一切攻击无力化——如子弹在命中身体之前就被弹开,刀剑则会被粉碎——的防御力。利用刺青能力守护城市的「赫利俄斯」、守护组织的「阿耳忒弥斯」、守护秩序的「公安特务」成为新兴势力,镇守于晓特区。
  • 如果没找到下一季的主打商品,速食连锁餐厅“捲饼屋”就要把继承人乔尔踢出家门?!乔尔迫不得已踏上美国西南部寻找各路道地墨西哥功夫菜,试图拯救自己的继承权,却意外在乡间发现了深藏不露的…绿椒酱!拥有祕方的是村庄裡迷人又傲娇的单亲妈妈哈薇亚拉,两人在一连串意外与误会中坠入爱河;在窃取祕方与追求真爱之间,乔尔能不能做出最完美的选择?
  • 讲述六位不同身份的陌生人,为了获得高额奖金,参加世界顶级密室逃脱游戏的的故事。
  • In 2060, to tackle all sorts of supernatural crises, the Organization of Emergency Affairs selected elite special agents from all over the world to form the Bureau of Paranormal Defense. The Bureau pulled out the best agents from the pool of agents to create an ace squad -- the Phantom Squad. In a mission to retrieve a treasure three years ago, Captain Hao Yuan was too trusting and led the Phantom Squad into an ambush laid by Darrick's squad. Almost all of the squad members were killed. Even Hao Yuan himself fell off the cliff after being sabotaged by Derrick. However, he accidentally absorbed the target treasure, the Stone of Immortality, into his body. Not only did it bring him back to life, but it also granted him the ability to control time, which he could use to pause and even reverse time. From then on, Hao Yuan began his life on the run. As he did not wish to face the past, he remained anonymous and led a simple life, protecting Gu Xiao Xi, the sister of his a fallen squadmate. However, fate seems to have other plans. A blue virus appeared in Y City. Blue veins would surface on the victim's skin, then spread all over the body little by little, finally claiming their lives. Gu Xiao Xi was also infected. To find a cure for the blue virus and save Gu Xiao Xi, Hao Yuan returned to the Bureau of Paranormal Defense. He and the sexy and capable agent Xia Rou, the quirky genius Loli Tong Xiaoxiao, and the capable gangster-cum-chuunibyou Zhan Peng come together to form another Phantom Squad. And so their legendary story begins.
  • 法国国宝级动画《路易小兔子》建造篇。路易小兔子和尤可的魔法工具箱里有很多奇异的工具,这些工具可以帮助他们完成绝妙的创造。孩子们在观看的过程中可以认识相反的概念,比如远近、轻重、快慢;还能认识建造是如何完成的,比如位置和交通工具的选择。在路易和尤可的带领下,孩子们可以在观看搭建的过程中锻炼自己的想象力、创造力和动手能力。