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  • CIA特工Genja在泰国南部完成秘密任务,接下来她得与某组织的间谍周旋,这个组织为了抓捕她不惜一切代价。在斗争过程中她幸存了下来。在曼谷,她等了整整两年伏击而出,再次与老对手拼死一战。
  • 《生化人》讲述一个士兵是起死回生的半机械人,与大冒险家并肩斗争恶魔大军。
  • 两个私人银行家Alistair和Jamie,他们玩弄世界,喜欢和处于社会边缘的贫民玩一种12小时的幸存者游戏。他们的下一个目标是Sean Macdonald,一个无父无母的少年,他和姐姐住在爱丁堡的郊区。她负债累累,他前途堪忧。Sean为了钱同意了玩这个游戏。很快他意识到自己陷入了地狱般的12小时......
  • Edward Dunstan is an artist obsessed by his muse. Every photograph and every movie conveyed the same meaning: What he wanted to see. His muse waited in vain for him to see her as she was, but he could not. And so, like the mermaid in his latest movie who grew legs and left him, so does his muse. For months his days and nights are filled with watching her on the screen. His anger turns to self-pity... turns to acceptance... Only now does he understand what he put her through. When his latest letter to her is returned, he binds himself in chains and climbs into the very tank of water his muse spent many unhappy hours.
  • Thap和Sin是一对无家可归的音乐家兄弟,他们遇到了一个被Khun Ram袭击的村庄。Thap为村民寻求正义,便出发去Khun Rams的所在地——Jantaboon国。然后他遇见了他的老情人AungKarb,这是Jantaboon王子的妃子,也在Khun Rams手下工作。在去见王子的路上Thap遇到了敌人,Boonma和Sin拯救了自己的生命。Thap决定加入Sin,他的任务是夺取Kkum Ram的政权。同时,Khun Ram抢劫并摧毁另一个村庄,构筑罪案。Khun Ram计划拿下Jantaboon王子并接管王国,但Thap和他的朋友决心制止他的计划。