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  • Clay Holman (Rob Beare) had everything a young man could hope for, everything but sight. It wasn't until a group of specialists chose him to undergo a groundbreaking eye surgery, that Clay realized just how much there is to see. Disregarding his inability to read or recognize colors and signs, he sets off on an epic journey that takes him from the vibrant streets of Japan, to the coral reefs of Indonesia, and through the sprawling slums of India to the great heights of the Himalayas! Along the way he experiences breathtaking love, crippling grief, physical turmoil, and awestruck wonder. This inspiring, heartfelt adventure will take you for the most beautiful ride of your life! A ride you'll wish will never end.
  • 露丝是一位年轻的女孩,和父亲同住。儿时的玩伴大多已经结婚生子,露丝觉得自己越来越不合群,因此郁郁寡欢、终日饮酒,然而这只会令她更显得不受欢迎。为了能融入原来的群体,她想到了给即将分娩的朋友订购一台婴儿车。不巧的是喝醉的露丝在选购婴儿车的时候吐了,被店长认为是孕吐反应。孤独的露丝经常推着婴儿车在公园里或者在公交车上,看到了人们对孕妇的友好和包容。就连自己的父亲听到姐姐怀孕的消息都非常高兴。
  • 为了完成好友的临终遗愿,三个耄耋之年的老人踏上了一场有趣的旅程……
  • 1821年,巴西迪亚曼蒂纳山脉,奴隶贩子António回到又大又破的农庄。他的妻子死于难产,他和精神错乱的岳母与成群的黑奴被禁足于这荒无人烟的地方,他娶了死去妻子的12岁侄女Beatriz。不安分的António再次与商队一起远行,年幼的妻子Beatriz却不知如何与黑奴们相处……
  • 电影制作人马西莫·达诺尔菲和玛蒂娜·帕蒂尼向我们展示人们为了克服自身局限所做出的努力,以此向人类不朽的愿望致敬。他们将自己的发现以视觉交响乐的形式分享给大家,大自然元素的力量:水、土、空气和火。