- Twin babies are separated at birth. The girl grows up in a middle class environment, her brother in a street gang. Twelve years later, their paths cross again and they discover their common destiny, imposed upon them by the adults. It is the beginning of an exciting journey to the discovery of their roots and their independence, but neither of them is able to escape the past...
- 《NEW GAME!》是日本漫画家得能正太郎创作的四格萌系漫画作品, 是以新人凉风青叶的视角展开的游戏公司职场轻喜剧,剧中人物都是萌点满满的美少女,目前已出版5卷单行本。TV动画第1季于2016年7月至9月播出,可爱的人物和励志的职场轻喜剧题材使其在日本、欧美和港澳台地区的青年读者中取得了相当不俗的人气,动画播出后日本各游戏公司的入职申请均出现了大幅增长。动画第二季依旧由动画工房的原班人马制作,在资深动漫迷中已经未映先热。