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  • WHERE DO YOU HIDE FOR THE END OF THE WORLD? As a rogue planet roars through our solar system, it acts as an intergalactic magnet that pulls Earth in its wake. Meteors destroy major cities. Fire and ice storms engulf the land. Casualties are in the millions. And as the situation grows even worse, Steve Lannon (Joe Lando of 'Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman') is determined to reunite with his wife (Michelle Stafford of 'The Young and the Restless' and 'General Hospital') and teenage daughter (Denyse Tontz of "All My Children"). But when they stumble into a secret government installation, they'll uncover a nuclear mission that will either blast our planet back into orbit or guarantee front row seats to the end of the world.
  • 为了拯救关门大吉的歌剧院,业主的女儿加入了En Vouge团,并且在重新开始的地方做了一场圣诞表演。
  • 本片根据畅销小说改编而成。主人公亨利是一个图书管理员,他有一种奇异的本领,可以穿越任何时空。不幸的是,他并不能掌控这一本领,因此经常不知道在某时某地因为什么,突然就转换到了另一个陌生的时空里。在时空穿越中,亨利爱上了克莱尔,后者是一个正常人,过着与其他人一样的正常生活。由于亨利穿越时空的问...
  • 佐伊是一个13岁的小女孩,一直被陌生家庭领养长大,但对领养她的家庭她有一种排斥感。这天她独自一人逃离了领养家庭,辗转搭车来到了一个陌生的城市,一对好心的夫妇收留了她,佐伊便留下来顺便帮忙看店,这个家里有一只狗狗名叫“麦克斯”,是一只很有名气的表演狗。一天,两个小偷来到店里,实施抢劫,趁只剩下佐伊一人的时候抢走了麦克斯。佐伊为了维系她和新家人的关系,离开了小镇,路上结识了一个新朋友,二人便一起踏上了寻狗的冒险旅途。当笨蛋小偷遇上了聪明的麦克斯和坚持不懈的佐伊,一场斗智斗勇的搞笑争夺战开始了!