搜索 Jas

  • 女侠风四娘将天下第一名刀割鹿刀送给天下第一高手连城璧,希望他能杀死萧十一郎,不料却引出一段三角恋来。连城璧妻子一再得到萧十一郎的救援,对他渐生情愫。
  • "Made In Romania" is the story of a producer who is given the chance to realize his dream project; to film an adaptation of an obscure, beautifully written Victorian novel, "The Tides of Reason". Disillusioned after years of making low budget genre films, the producer readily accepts the demands of his less than legitimate financiers. Namely, the production be filmed entirely in Romania to take advantage of a complicated and slightly suspicious tax deal. Shot in documentary style, this behind-the-scenes comedy deftly and inexorably exposes the painful reality of runaway film production. Way off the radar in deepest, darkest, rural Romania the hopelessly disconnected production veers swiftly off the tracks as bizarre personalities, cultural, economic and language issues quickly combine to send the production spiraling into hysteria.
  • 新年前夜,神秘杀手在美国市中心的一栋高层,大规模远程枪杀狂欢的人群。29人死亡,枪枪毙命,案发现场找不到任何弹壳、指纹等证物,杀手毫无踪迹。三天后,杀手又在大型购物中心大开杀戒,数十位市民和安保人员中弹身亡,一组特警队员也被杀手用手榴弹团灭。  联邦调查局长官兰马克(本·门德尔森 Ben Mendelsohn 饰)和其爱徒——年轻女警艾丽诺(谢琳·伍德蕾 Shailene Woodley 饰),奉命查案,但州政府、当地警局都妄图夺取功劳,争权夺利,甚至执行兰马克强烈反对的特警行动,但这些行动造成的市民伤亡却又归咎于兰马克,无比荒谬,完全失控。也正是这个荒谬的恶世,塑造了今日的杀手。师徒二人在走投无路之际,艾丽诺发现了关键线索,带她无限接近恶世深渊之中。
  • 主人公在车祸后离开了他原本生活的地方,在一个幽静的地方重新开始生活,而危险却悄悄来临了。
  • 经过十年的婚姻,阿丽亚娜和雨果觉得自己像在跑轮里疲于奔命的仓鼠。为了逃离循规蹈矩的生活,他们决定交换彼此的生活。她成为工场器械租赁店的老板,而他则蜗居在家充当首饰推销员……当我们从床的另一头打量生活时,她是否会变得更为美丽?