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  • 赏金猎人威尔带领团队捉拿赛勒斯,因赛勒斯反抗导致威尔过失杀人被判刑缓期2年。释放后威尔本想过些平静的生活,谁知却被前队友追杀……
  • 黑人青年诺比特(艾迪·墨菲 Eddie Murphy 饰)的身世颇为不幸,他从小被父母抛弃,全靠一个经营餐馆和孤儿院的中国人老王(Eddie Murphy 饰)将其养育成人。诺比特经常受到小伙伴们的欺负,只有美丽的凯特是他最好的伙伴,两人童年时甚至举行了幼稚可爱的结婚仪式。当然,并非所有美好的故事都有美好的结局。诺比特的婚姻可谓一场悲剧。他的妻子不是凯特,而是体型巨大、堪以吨计的超级肥婆拉丝普蒂娅(Eddie Murphy 饰)。拉丝普蒂娅颟顸粗鲁,性格暴躁,诺比特在她的“领导”下唯唯诺诺,苦不堪言。某天,命运之神忽然降临。括别多年的凯特(Thandie Newton 饰)再次回到小镇,这让诺比特看到新的希望…… 本片获2008年金酸梅奖最差男主角、最差男配角、最差女配角奖(均为Eddie Murphy)2010年金酸梅奖十年最差男主角奖(Eddie Murphy)。
  • 她是国际时尚杂志《美丽佳人Marie Claire》的总监,美丽、自信,平时名跑车代步,出差有私人豪华客机,游走于巴黎及米兰两大时尚之都,伸展台上更是呼风唤雨,还有金融圈的高富帅男友,生活看似完美无缺,直到有一天,来到偏远奥斯图尼Ostuni优美的麦田之乡,并邂逅了温柔的农夫兰佐改变了一切。 来自城市,时尚又有著出众书香的气质,成为众人焦点,但距离幸福只剩下一步之遥,她不知该如何争取,加上精打细算的男友不断说服她卖掉农庄,却独锺于田野的朴实,即将到来的时装週也在提醒著她回到城市,热爱的工作岗位、事业和所爱,城市与乡村如何取舍?
  • 米基是一个没经验且身份卑微的保险经纪人,他正寻找办法或机会让事业得到提升.
  • Clay Holman (Rob Beare) had everything a young man could hope for, everything but sight. It wasn't until a group of specialists chose him to undergo a groundbreaking eye surgery, that Clay realized just how much there is to see. Disregarding his inability to read or recognize colors and signs, he sets off on an epic journey that takes him from the vibrant streets of Japan, to the coral reefs of Indonesia, and through the sprawling slums of India to the great heights of the Himalayas! Along the way he experiences breathtaking love, crippling grief, physical turmoil, and awestruck wonder. This inspiring, heartfelt adventure will take you for the most beautiful ride of your life! A ride you'll wish will never end.