搜索 奥

  • Once upon a time in post-war Rome: 13-year old Aurora, a gifted pianist, is the daughter of Valerio, a brilliant conductor. After Aurora's mother died, Valerio hired Irene, a single mother of two girls, to run the household. To Aurora's regret he decides to marry Irene. One day, Aurora happens to meet the boys next door, Freddy and Sebastian, the sons of a wealthy Italo-Austrian family. Freddy is an easy-going chap, though sometimes a little bit arrogant. His brother Sebastian is kind and shy, with a great ability to listen to and understand people, which makes him win Aurora's heart. However, Aurora's life is shattered when her father suddenly dies. Irene, the unloved stepmother, lays hands on the family's assets and turns her late husband's villa into a hotel. Aurora is unable to claim her right to inheritance until her 21st birthday. Irene makes her give up schooling and piano playing. Instead, she has to work as a maid in the hotel. Irene's own daughters, Lucia and Teresina, n...
  • 查理刚刚从监狱里被释放出来,紧接着就被一个冒充牧师的骗子骗去了身上所有的钱。正当他万分无助,走投无路的时候,碰到了一个在监狱里认识的朋友,他怂恿查理去继续偷东西,正当查理犹豫不决的时候,警察就站在了他们的身边……
  • 音乐天才纳萨尼尔患有精神分裂症,只能边拾荒边练琴。记者斯蒂夫给他提供帮助,两人成为朋友,斯蒂夫也有了新专栏的灵感。
  • 在这个全新诠释的悲剧爱情故事中,乡村音乐家杰克·梅恩(布莱德利·库珀 饰)发掘了正在努力熬出头的服务员艾莉(Lady Gaga 饰),当时她正要放弃成为歌手的梦想时,杰克说动她进入演艺界,也在共事的过程中爱上她。不久艾莉的事业起飞,但杰克却克服不了他由来已久的心魔,使两人的关系开始崩裂…… 本片是布莱德利·库珀生平第一次自编、自导、自演,并担任制片,挑战从来没有尝试过的现场演唱与音乐创作的电影。也是Lady Gaga首次挑战大银幕。其在影片中演唱的这些歌曲是由她跟布莱德利·库珀,还有几位艺人一起创作的。所有音乐都是原创和现场录音。
  • 20世纪50年代僻静的家乡小镇,中年男子加德纳(马特·达蒙 饰)的妻子在家中被杀害。由此宁静的生活被打破,引发出一连串勒索、骗保、迷情事件。而对面邻居搬来了一家黑人,又因此打破了整个小镇的宁静。家庭危机和小镇危机交织在了一起……