- Twin babies are separated at birth. The girl grows up in a middle class environment, her brother in a street gang. Twelve years later, their paths cross again and they discover their common destiny, imposed upon them by the adults. It is the beginning of an exciting journey to the discovery of their roots and their independence, but neither of them is able to escape the past...
- 相传一千年前,三界之内封存着上古三大神器,集齐可获上古之力。为夺三大神器,三界霍乱四起,怨气横生。就在三界将要失衡之时,有一石猴横空出世,此猴名为孙小天,手持如意乾元棍,脚踏七彩飘渺云,一双太古金睛,移星换斗,踏平诸恶。不料,怨气无形无神,却吸取石猴戾气,催生出一只九通猿猴,阻路石猴!二猴盖为神通广大,真假难辨,大战九个日夜后,九通猿猴战败,被打入弱水囚牢。石猴平息霍乱,获封圣武神猴,位列仙班,人们都叫他,大神猴。 邪圣暗中借用圣武神猴之名收服妖界四大魔王为他所用,在人间大肆搜寻三大神器,人间一时妖魔肆虐,民不聊生。邪圣由心而生,超乎三界之外,不在五行之中,唯有神猴自己才能将其彻底击溃。