- Twin babies are separated at birth. The girl grows up in a middle class environment, her brother in a street gang. Twelve years later, their paths cross again and they discover their common destiny, imposed upon them by the adults. It is the beginning of an exciting journey to the discovery of their roots and their independence, but neither of them is able to escape the past...
- 三段女性最感同身受的心情段落,让人心头一暖。 由电影《巴别塔》《21克》导演艾力谢路依拿力图的最新监制感人力作《爱在你左右》,故事围绕三位都市女性的小城大爱:Karen (安纳贝宁 饰) 14岁时未婚怀孕,放弃抚养女儿三十多年后,仍然对女儿难以忘怀;性感能干的Elizabeth(娜奥美屈丝 饰)与老板Paul(森姆积逊 饰)发展地下情,同时继续到处留情,感情世界纠缠不清,不爱束缚的她一早选择绝育,上天偏偏给她一个最难做的抉择。Lucy与丈夫膝下犹虚,希望领养孩 子,却每每失望而回。又一次机会来了,这次对方舍得骨肉分离,让Lucy一偿宿愿吗?三个各有所求的女人,因为一个「她」,巧合地扣连在一起,也得到生命 中最宝贵的礼物。 其实爱不难找……只要肯张开双手,它就会降落在你心中。